
William Glenn Osborne is Director of Music for the Cathedral and Archdiocesan Liturgies at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Baltimore, Maryland. Before coming to Baltimore in 2015, he served as Director of Music at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Kissimmee, Florida, Rehearsal Director/Accompanist for the Classical Choir of Central Florida Community Arts and Past-Dean of the Central Florida Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.

Prior to this, Mr. Osborne served as the Director of Liturgical Music for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orlando, Florida. In this capacity, he worked in conjunction with the Director of Liturgy to plan all major and secondary diocesan liturgical celebrations. He also served as a consultant to clergy and musicians throughout the diocese on relevant liturgical, musical and personnel issues.

Mr. Osborne also served as Director of Music and Organist at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Albany, NY. His duties included not only playing the organ, directing the choir and training cantors, but also organizing concerts and composing music for liturgy.

He studied organ, improvisation, and composition in France, living in Aix-en-Provence and Lyon. Before studying abroad, he earned degrees from Westminster Choir College and the University of Notre Dame where he studied organ with William Hays and Craig Cramer, respectively. Mr. Osborne has given concerts in the United States, Italy, France, Switzerland, Spain, and Greece, and has placed in several national and international competitions. In 2014, he and Jaime Carini played the US premiere of selections from The Apostles by Naji Hakim.

With singer-songwriter Kim Harris, Mr. Osborne composed Friends of Freedom to introduce children to spirituals, opera and the underground railroad. In 2006, he was commissioned by the Festival Celebration Choir in Albany, NY to compose a piece, “Festival Te Deum,” which premiered in honor of their 20th anniversary. He arranged pieces for papal liturgies in New York City for the visits of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. The Basilica Choir has recorded two of his compositions “Salve Regina” and “God We Would Hear the Angels Sing.”

Wm. Glenn Osborne publishes his music at Audubon Park Music, maintains and tweets as @organimproviser. For further information, please email

One Comment

  1. I will be performing your Suite in French Classical Style based on “Vexilla Regis” on my recital at St. John’s Seminary Chapel in Boston, MA on November 20.
    Would you be willing to give me your year of birth for the program? Thank you kindly.

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