Vierne Kyrie

Here’s a clip from the recent Vierne concert at St. James Cathedral.

Dividing the organ into the grande orgue and orgue de choeur proved to be challenging. While planning for the installation of the instrument, this was one of the pieces that I envisioned performing in order to work out all the little details necessary for the two consoles to function at the same time. How thrilling it was to actually hear the piece come to life. Thanks to David Brunner, Ben Lane, the CFAGO and all the singers for making this vision a reality.

Kyrie from Messe Solennelle by Louis Vierne from Karen Osborne on Vimeo.

The audio is from the in-camera microphones. Once I get the professional audio, I’ll update this with better sound.

Vierne: Messe Solennelle

Event Description:

Combined Choirs from the Cathedrals of St. James and St. Luke, the University of Central Florida, and other Central Florida American Guild of Organists combine to perform the Messe Solennelle of Louis Vierne.
Dr. David Brunner, conductor
Wm. Glenn Osborne, grande orgue
Benjamin Lane, orgue de choeur

Event Date


Event Time

From: 3:00 – To: 4:00 pm

Event Venue

Cathedral of St. James
215 North Orange Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801