This free event will include multiple workshops on topics related to working as a church musician. The event is meant to attract new members to our chapter, especially part-time musicians. Some topics include communication skills, midi, organ registration, vocal techniques and organ for pianists. Wm. Glenn Osborne will present a workshop on beginning improvisation.
Laura Ellis, Organ Professor from University of Florida and AGO Regional Councillor will join us for this event. Lunch will be provided.
A SPOOKTACULAR costume concert by members of the local chapter of the American Guild of Organists on the Trexler Memorial Ruffatti Organ. Along with other CFAGO members playing seasonal favorites, I will premiere a new seasonal organ composition – Louis Vierne Meets The Munsters. A wine and cheese reception hosted by the Chapel at the Towers will end the night! Donations will be accepted in support of the CFAGO Scholarship fund. Please come in costume and be prepared to have fun!
Join with the Central Florida Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and the Orlando Brass Quintet to celebrate the season of Easter in song. Among the hymns included on the program will be Jesus Christ Is Risen Today, O Sons and Daughters, Now the Green Blade Rises. Come even if you just want to listen because this will be a glorious occasion to bask in the joy of Eastertide.
Event Description:
Join with the
Central Florida Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and the Orlando Brass Quintet to celebrate the season of Easter in song. Among the hymns included on the program will be Jesus Christ Is Risen Today, O Sons and Daughters, Now the Green Blade Rises. Come even if you just want to listen because this will be a glorious occasion to bask in the joy of Eastertide.
Event Date
Event Time
7:00 pm
Event Venue
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
1603 N. Thacker Ave. Kissimmee, FL 34741
Americans are used to reading hymns with the text set between the treble and bass clef staffs with the syllables more or less lined up with the music. British hymns are usually set with the music at the top of the page and all the lyrics at the bottom in a format that makes the poetry more obvious. The score for The Crucifixion by John Stainer presents the five hymns in British style. While preparing for the CFAGO combined choir performance of the work, this has proved a bit of a challenge for my American choir, I have taken the time to set the text within the music and am offering the files for download below. Some files include the performance instructions which we followed.
Hymns from the Crucificion by John Stainer:
For the upcoming CFAGO performance of The Crucifixion by John Stainer, there is a website offering midi files to download or listen to here. If you need a score, there are public domain versions available here. I am also in the process of setting the hymns “American style” for download here.
Listed below are .mp3 files for each voice part of my composition Ubi Caritas. Depending upon the browser, it may be necessary to control-click on the download link in order to save the file to disk.
- Soprano –
1. Download
2. Listen now
- Alto –
3. Download
4. Listen now
- Tenor –
5. Download
6. Listen now
- Bass –
7. Download
8. Listen now
Event Description:
Choristers from Central Florida American Guild of Organists member choirs will perform The Crucifixion by John Stainer.
Ben Lane, Canon Musician at the Cathedral Church of St. Luke will conduct.
Wm. Glenn Osborne will serve as organist.
A free will offering will be collected to benefit the scholarship fund of the CFAGO.
Event Date
Event Time
3:00 pm
Event Venue
First United Methodist Church
142 East Jackson Street
Orlando, FL 32801

Event Description:
Central Florida AGO invites you to an Organ Recital by our members playing in costume. Come hear the Ruffatti organ, a little harpsichord music, and perhaps even some piano playing. Get out your costume and join us for a fun evening.
A reception given by Chapel at the Towers will follow the recital
Event Date
Tuesday 10/30/2012
Event Time
Event Venue
Chapel at the Towers
Rev. Norton Rosebrock, pastor
300 E. Church Street
Orlando, Florida 32801
Event Description:
The final event of the Central Florida chapter of the American Guild of Organists is a dinner, installation ceremony and concert. I will be installed as the new Dean of the chapter that evening. After dinner, our host, Tom De Witt, has planned a Festive concert for everyone to enjoy.
Event Date
Event Time
Dinner from: 6:00 – To: 7:30pm
Concert begins at 7:30
Event Venue
Morrison United Methodist Church1005 West Main Street Leesburg FL
Here’s a clip from the recent Vierne concert at St. James Cathedral.
Dividing the organ into the grande orgue and orgue de choeur proved to be challenging. While planning for the installation of the instrument, this was one of the pieces that I envisioned performing in order to work out all the little details necessary for the two consoles to function at the same time. How thrilling it was to actually hear the piece come to life. Thanks to David Brunner, Ben Lane, the CFAGO and all the singers for making this vision a reality.
Kyrie from Messe Solennelle by Louis Vierne from Karen Osborne on Vimeo.
The audio is from the in-camera microphones. Once I get the professional audio, I’ll update this with better sound.